Thursday, February 28, 2013

Traveling by bus in Antigua

Traveling by bus in Antigua. Here is a clip posted on You Tube by Jamil Vanderlinde.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Movie Night Pick - Speed

Hi all, let me start off by saying I am a huge movie buff and I was thinking to myself:
"Self, why don't we have a movie night pick based on transportation? And why don't we start it off with the 1994 blockbuster Speed?"
 I am not going to lie, I am a Sandra Bullock fan and when this movie came out I was loving it. But you know what? You know when you remember something from your child fondly and then you watch it now only to feel old or wonder what you were thinking. I almost feel the same about this movie, check out the trailer:

What I'm loving:
  • The action sequences,
  • The actors: Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock, Dennis Hopper and Jeff Daniels (Dumb and Dumber)
  • The cheesy lines, especially the last line 
  • The fact that this was a great example of what a 90's action was
 I can appreciate action movies now because this shows what it was like back then and they have come a long way. Just imagine almost 20 years ago this was a big budget movie, now compare it to Fast Five or the Avengers. I'm just saying. For more info on Speed, click here.

If Keanu Reeves was such a bad actor, why come he gets the big movies, i.e. Speed, The Matrix. I'm just saying. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Introduction of Bus Stop Antigua

First of all, welcome to Bus Stop Antigua and thank you for visiting the blog. What is Bus Stop Antigua? you ask. It is your one stop for all information related to traveling around Antigua via bus. It was borne from the realization that I knew nothing about the local public transportation with the exception of traveling from where I lived to town, St. John's and back.

Over a one year period, my car had been repossessed twice, was out of commission at least once or was needed by a family member. I had to rely on public transportation and it was in these situations that I realized I didn't know the following
  • The bus numbers to take to get to where I live from St. John's
  • The cost of the fare to travel from where I live to St. John's
  • The cost of the fare to travel at night
  • At what time it was considered night
 It was late 2012, when I was talking with family members that I realized that I was not the only person who knew very little about traveling around Antigua by bus. It was also in that moment that the idea for Bus Stop Antigua came to be.

Who is Bus Stop Antigua for? It's for you,
  • the local who may drives or have been driven who now finds themselves without a vehicle;
  • the new resident who is still trying to make their way around Antigua;
  • the visitor who is either looking for a cheaper way to travel around Antigua or wants to have an adventure and really see life through the eyes of the locals;
  • the local who only knows their bus home but wants to visit a different village.
 The website is simple to use, just select the village or residential area from the drop down menu on the homepage or the top right hand corner of all the pages. You will be directed to the appropriate bus route or a page that will give you options of  bus routes. Bus Stop Antigua is a work in progress so expect to find new features as we grow.

What should you expect from this blog? Expect interesting information such as the following:
  • Pictures taken around Antigua;
  • Monthly looks at books written by Antiguan writers;
  • Information on what's going on in Antigua;
  • Fun stuff produced by Antiguans
  • Updates on the Bus Stop Antigua site
So to keep up to date on all things Bus Stop Antigua, subscribe to the blog, like the Facebook page and follow on Twitter.