Friday, March 15, 2013
The Best & The Worst
Everyone in Antigua has had an encounter with the buses that make up our public transportation system. Be it through being a passenger or by sharing the road with them as a driver. Some of these encounters have been great and some have been worst that awful. Because of this, Bus Stop Antigua presents The Best and The Worst.
We invite nominations for the best and worst buses on the roads of Antigua. This will lead to voting online and from the votes, we will identify the best and worst buses in Antigua and the runner ups.
Nominations start on March 15, 2013 and end on March 31, 2013. Voting will start on April 1, 2013 and end on April 15, 2013. For more information, visit The Best & The Worst page.
So if you have a bus that you love or always travel on, nominate it. If there is a bus you will never travel on, nominate it. And if you have a great or awful experience on a bus, post it on our FaceBook page,